Friday, April 16, 2010
Today waz my parents 28th anibesari..hepi aniberseri mak, ayah..moga2 pjg umor n dtg kbhgaian dunia n akhirat..wateve it is, im still love both u..coz nothin' i can repay u since im exist in dis world..tq 4 being a gud parents eventhou we've facin' alot of 'things'..i lov both u damn much..nothin' word can describe 'love' to both of you..
moga2 Allah SWT berikn kbhagian buat mak n ayah..along nk mintak maaf kalau selalu wat mak ayah sedih, let both of u, not much im asking just a blessing and praying for my happiness dunia akhirat..