
Gilo apo?

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Woman accused of baby murder 'ate brain'

Camno nth aku nyer Yahoo page nih bley jadik Aussie nyer..pastuh aku nmpk tajuk nih..nih pompuan mesti skyzo..gilo bunuh anak sendirik..pahtuh makan..kebulor nk mampos agaknyer smp bley bunoh n mkn otak anak sendirik..nmpk sgt donia dah penghujung..Ya Allah Tobat!!!

A woman charged with murdering her three-and-a-half-week-old son used a knife and two swords to dismember the child and ate parts of his body, including his brain, before stabbing herself in the torso and slicing her own throat, police say.

Otty Sanchez, 33, is charged with capital murder in the death of her infant son, Scott Wesley Buchholtz-Sanchez. She was recovering from her wounds at a hospital, and was being held on $US1 million ($A1.22 million) bail.

San Antonio police chief William McManus said the attack early on Sunday morning occurred a week after the child's father moved out. The child's aunt and two cousins, ages five and seven, were in the house, but none were harmed.

McManus, who appeared uncomfortable as he addressed reporters on Monday, said Sanchez apparently ate the child's brain and some other body parts.

She also tore his face off, chewed off three of his toes and decapitated the infant before stabbing herself.

"It's too heinous for me to describe it any further," McManus said.

Officers called to Sanchez's house at about 5am on Sunday found her sitting on the couch "screaming that she killed her baby," police spokesman Joe Rios said.

They found the boy's body in a bedroom.

Police said Sanchez said the devil told her to kill her son.

"It was a spontaneous utterance," McManus said. "She said she was hearing voices."

Sanchez does not yet have a lawyer, police said, and was hospitalised in San Antonio. The police declined to identify other family members.

Neighbour Luis Yanez said everyone on the street was appalled by the news.

"Why would you do that to your baby?" said Yanez, 23, a tyre technician. "It brings chills to you. They can't defend themselves."

Nota gedik:camne le bley wat anak yg baby lg suci xberdose tuh..kejam betol..
Ya Allah mohon dijauhkn dr perkara2 mcmtuh..aminnnn...

H.A.R.I2 B.E.R.S.E.J.A.R.A.H

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Daisypath

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